(Quick Reference)


The sendConfirmation method of the emailConfirmationService performs the act of generating, storing and emailing a confirmation and its related data.

You call this method from services or controllers to start the process of performing a confirmation. You register listeners for the events that are fired using Platform Core Events API and the @Listener annotation (see example code below).

The user will receive an email containing the url to click to perform the confirmation, at which point an event will be received by your application indicating who confirmed and what the nature of that confirmation was.


// Send a simple confirmation
    subject:"Please confirm!")

// Send a confirmation with custom from: address
    subject:"Please confirm!")

// Send a confirmation with custom email template
    subject:"Please confirm!")

// Send a confirmation with custom email template and model
    model:[account:userAccount, promoCode:'NEWSIGNUP'],
    subject:"Please confirm!")

// Send a confirmation with application id data
    subject:"Please confirm!",

// Send a confirmation with custom event namespace
    subject:"Please confirm!",

// Send a confirmation with custom event prefix and namespace
// The event topic would be 'signup.confirmed' in the specified namespace
    subject:"Please confirm!",

Once a confirmation has been sent like this, you use the Events to receive updates when people confirm or fail to confirm.


Platform Core Events API events are generated when the user clicks through the link in the email successfully, or if they click on an invalid (already used or malformed) link or a link expires because it has not been used within the timeout period (default: 30 days).

The events that can occur are:

Event NameDescription
confirmedThe user confirmed successfully. The event data object has "email" and "id" properties. The return value must be a Map of redirect arguments, pointing to a destination the user should be redirected to.
timeoutThe confirmation expired without being clicked. The event data object has "email" and "id" properties. The return value is not used.
invalidThe confirmation failed, with an unknown token. The event data object has a "token" property. The return value must be a Map of redirect arguments, pointing to a destination the user should be redirected to.

Here are some examples of listening for these events:

import grails.event.Listener

class MyService {

    // Standard confirmed event and namespace
    @Listener(topic:'confirmed', namespace:'plugin.emailConfirmation') 
    def userConfirmed(info) {
        log.info "User ${info.email} successfully confirmed with application id data ${info.id}"
        return [controller:'userProfile', action:'welcomeNewUser']

    // Standard timeout event and namespace
    @Listener(topic:'timeout', namespace:'plugin.emailConfirmation') 
    def userConfirmationTimedOut(info) {
        log.info "A user failed to confirm, the token in their link was ${info.token}"

    // Standard timeout event and namespace
    @Listener(topic:'invalid', namespace:'plugin.emailConfirmation') 
    def userConfirmationWasInvalid(info) {
        log.info "User ${info.email} failed to confirm for application id data ${info.id}"
        return [controller:'userProfile', action:'invalidConfirmationHelp']

    // Custom confirmed event prefix and namespace set to 'app' when requesting confirmation
    def registrationConfirmed(info) {
        log.info "User ${info.email} successfully confirmed with application id data ${info.id}"
        return [controller:'userProfile', action:'welcomeNewUser']

    // Custom confirmed event prefix and using a custom plugin namespace
    @Listener(topic:'changePassword.confirmed', namespace:'plugin.mySecurity') 
    def changePasswordConfirmed(info) {
        log.info "User ${info.email} successfully confirmed with application id data ${info.id}"
        return [controller:'security', action:'doChangePassword']

Method Arguments

argsMap of arguments

Supported Map arguments

toRequired, email address
idRequired, application-specific token used in callbacks when this confirmation is complete/invalid
subjectRequired, subject for the email
eventOptional name for event callbacks, used as stem i.e. for "signupConfirmation" you'll get "signupConfirmation.confirmed" or "signupConfirmation.timeout" events fired. Note that this is never used for 'invalid' events.
eventNamespaceOptional, namespaces the events triggered e.g. so that your plugin receives them. Defaults to "plugin.emailConfirmation". Note that the "invalid" event is only ever sent to the default namespace.
fromOptional, sender from address, defaults to config's emailConfirmation.from
modelOptional, model to use in the email GSP view
viewOptional, path to GSP view to use for the email body
pluginOptional, the "filesystem" name of the plugin that contains the GSP view